Working together towards a shared goal

Humble Beginnings

Our team photo

The team working for Bridge Studios (橋樑工作室) and FixMyChinglish.com are professional educators and content producers from native English speaking countries who are working together for a common love for education and connecting students with the language learning techniques from their native countries. We are proud of our humble roots, and we share a commitment to serve our host communities in Taiwan with our passion and drive to help young people to achieve their potential.

As our company was approached solve problems that current language education resources could not solve, our team was recruited and brought together for their wide range of skill sets and experiences. Our team continues to learn and evolve as the industry evolves.

About The Company

Bridge Studios (橋樑工作室) is a company registered in Tainan City, Taiwan in 2010. The company has provided project management services and educational and cultural media production services in Taiwan for companies, school, NGO's and government agencies. The company is lean, flexible, and innovative, perfect for adjusting to the quickly-changing industries that are turning toward online media. The company is led by Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, who have been developing bilingual content since 1995.

Bridge Studios